Terms and conditions “AstroCard Good Deeds”:

January 21, 2025

1.General Conditions

These terms andconditions (the "Terms and Conditions") govern participation in the"AstroCard Good Deeds" campaign (the "Campaign"). Allcapitalized terms not defined in these Terms and Conditions shall have themeaning assigned to them in the General Terms(https://www.astropay.com/terms-and-conditions).

The Campaign will bevalid from December 21, 2024, to January 15, 2025 (the "Term").

2. Eligible user

Elegible User means any person older than 18 years old whohas passed the KYC process and has an AstroPay Account in his/her name, and alreadyholds an AstroCard.

3. Participation Conditions and Requirements

To participate in theCampaign, Eligible Users must:

  1. Use their AstroCard to perform a good deed, whether it’s gifting,     helping others, or something creative.
  2. Document their experience in a TikTok video showing the planning,     execution, and impact of the action.
  3. Post the video on TikTok, tag     @astropayglobal, and follow our official TikTok account.

Eligible Users mustmeet the following requirements:

- Be an active AstroCard user.

- Follow the official AstroPayaccount (@astropayglobal) on TikTok.

- Post a video that complies withTikTok’s guidelines and AstroPay’s principles.

4. Prizes

First Prize: A round-trip flight to Japan ineconomy class, valid from April to December 2025. Accommodation, meals, andadditional costs are not included.

Second to Fourth Prizes:

-  iPhone 16

- PlayStation 5

- Osmo Pocket

AstroPay will selectthe 8 most creative videos, which will be featured on our Instagram profile forpublic voting. The four most voted videos will win the prizes, in the alreadyestablished order.

5. Disqualifications

Eligible Users will bedisqualified if they:

- Use an inactive AstroCard or onethat does not belong to them.

- Do not follow AstroPay’s officialTikTok account.

- Post inappropriate content orcontent that violates platform guidelines or AstroPay’s principles.

6. Consent for Content Use

By participating,users agree that AstroPay may use their personal image and videos forpromotional purposes, including social media and future campaigns.

7. Prize Delivery

First Prize: Flight to Japan

- A copy of the winner’s passportwill be required.

- The prize includes a round-tripeconomy class flight, valid from April to December 2025.

- Accommodation, meals, andadditional costs are not included.

Second Prize: iPhone 16

- Official ID and proof of addresswill be required for the device to be shipped.

Third Prize: PlayStation 5

- Official ID and proof of addresswill be required for the device to be shipped.

Fourth Prize: Osmo Pocket

- Official ID and proof of addresswill be required for the device to be shipped.

8. Security Measures and Customer Support

If any assistance isneeded, please contact us via email to support@astropay.com

We only use ourofficial channels (email mentioned before) to contact our users. AstroPay willnever request passwords or credit card information.

Any questions aboutprivacy may be consulted on this website.